
Plain Language Standard


If your organisation is making the effort to communicate in plain language, why not tell people? The WriteMark gives independent proof that your writing meets a high standard of plain language.


Show your commitment to clear communication

Services WriteMark

Displaying the WriteMark on your documents or webpages:

    • shows you value clear communication
    • tells your customers you care about their needs
    • builds goodwill and loyalty
    • sets you apart from competitors.

How to get the WriteMark

The first stage in getting the WriteMark is having your content assessed. It must meet a high standard of plain language to achieve the WriteMark.

Our expert assessors check your content against the 25 elements of the WriteMark. The elements are grouped into five areas that make a communication clear and effective.

If your content meets all the elements, we’ll award it the WriteMark and send you everything you need to display it proudly. We’ll set up a licence agreement that sets out your responsibilities as a WriteMark holder and how to use the WriteMark logo.

If your content needs work to achieve the WriteMark, you can use the feedback in our assessment report to help you lift the quality, and then get your content reassessed. Or, simply ask us to take your content to WriteMark standard for you.

WriteMark for documents

The WriteMark on your document shows you care about making your information easy to read, understand, and act on.

The best documents to WriteMark are ones that many people will read and use. You’ll see a return on your investment when calls and emails go down.

To understand how your readers read, perceive, and use your document, include testing with your readers — see the WriteMark Plus section on this page.

Get started now

You can ask us to assess one document, several, or a whole suite of documents.

Tell us what you need — we’ll be in touch with a quote.

WriteMark for webpages or websites

Web content or sites that carry the WriteMark show your commitment to clarity and enhance the user experience. Search algorithms favour web copy in plain language too, so you’re likely to reach more people more easily.

Services WriteMark

The Health Promotion Agency’s SunSmart website carries the WriteMark.

You define the scope

Get one webpage, a few important pages, or a selection of pages at different levels of your site assessed.

To find out if how your users respond to and interact with your content, include user-testing — see the following section on WriteMark Plus.

Get started now

Tell us which pages you want assessed — we’ll be in touch with a quote.

WriteMark Plus — the ultimate in communication excellence

Services WriteMark

WriteMark Plus combines an expert view with insights from the people that matter.

A WriteMark Plus quality mark shows that, as well as meeting a set of established plain language criteria, you’ve rigorously tested your content with real people in your target audience.


Get started now

Contact us to start the process

We’ll be in touch to find out more about what you need, and give you cost and timeframe details.