WriteMark Terms of Use

This page sets out the terms governing your use of the WriteMark. By continuing to display the WriteMark logos on an approved document (or any related text you make available to the public), you agree to these terms.
If, in the future, you no longer agree with these terms, or you cannot meet them, you must stop using the WriteMark logos.
Read this page alongside the logo guidelines, which we’ll provide to you when we approve a document to display the WriteMark logos.
In these Terms of Use:
On this page, the ‘WriteMark logos’ refers to the following, including colour, reverse, and monochrome versions:
In relation to any approved document you own, you can:
When we approve a document to display the WriteMark or WriteMark Plus, it becomes an approved document.
You can claim that an approved document has met the WriteMark Standard and display the WriteMark logo on it only after:
You can claim that an approved document has met the WriteMark Plus Standard and display the WriteMark Plus logo on it only after it has:
You must meet the responsibilities in this section to continue using the WriteMark logos in relation to your approved document.
If you don’t, we may withdraw approval under the section below (‘What happens if you breach these terms’).
When you update an approved document, we need to check that it still meets the WriteMark Plain Language Standard.
You must resubmit any approved document to us for reassessment and approval when you make changes to the text or layout.
You must display the logos as set out in the logo guidelines.
The logo guidelines are in a separate document we’ll provide to you, which we may update from time to time.
By displaying the WriteMark or WriteMark Plus logo, you give us permission to list your company or organisation’s name on our website as a WriteMark holder.
You must send us a copy of the final approved document to keep on file.
When you make updates to an approved document, after we approve the changes, you must send us a copy of the the final updated version.
You must maintain and protect our good reputation and the reputation of the logos.
If you breach any of these terms, we may withdraw approval for the document connected with the breach.
If you breach any of these terms, we may require you to:
Nothing in these terms shall contradict any previous agreement we have made with you to use the WriteMark logos on your approved documents.
These terms are governed by the laws of New Zealand.
The courts of New Zealand have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes about these terms.
Download the WriteMark Terms of Use (PDF, 83KB)